Palinsesto Convegnistico
  • Venerdì 1 Marzo 2024
  • 11:30 - 16:00
  • Memo
  • Hydrogen Arena Pad. B2
  • inglese
  • a cura di ART-ER in collaborazione con la Vanguard Iniative, Pilot Hydrogen

In the past years, the hydrogen sector has continuously grown and evolved along the entire value chain: from production to transport and storage, to the many applications in different fields. However, the hydrogen sector potential could be better exploited with more coordination.

Hence the a need to facilitate the dialogue between academia and industry to stimulate scientific progress and more H2 deployment. The development of hydrogen and hydrogen-related technologies is an important element in creating regional ecosystems of innovation, thanks to specific smart specialization strategies.

The event will foster networking among companies and RTOs from different regions, creating synergies and identifying collaboration opportunities for developing concrete projects. This session will also aim to identify potential projects that could benefit from European funding, thus accelerating the implementation of innovative and sustainable hydrogen initiatives.

Project Objectives:

  1. Facilitate interaction among regions with similar H2 expertise and priorities by promoting cooperation among companies, universities, and research centers to develop innovative solutions and share best practices.
  2. Identify collaboration opportunities for the development of innovative solutions in hydrogen and related energy technologies.
  3. Accelerate the development of hydrogen ecosystems through the identification of projects that could benefit from European funding.



11.30-11.35 Welcoming and introduction

  • Stefano Valentini, Art-ER
  • Cristina Maggi, Director of H2IT


  • Boosting innovation in H2 value chain – Emilia-Romagna experience– Claudia Romano, Dirigente Energia ed Economia Verde - Emilia-Romagna Region
  • TH2ICINO towards a Hydrogen Valley in Northern Italy - Luisa Minoli – Head innovation Area – Confindustria Varese
  • Vanguard Initiative introduction: ADMA & H2 Pilots - Fabrizio Guarrasi, Innovation Manager at Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster – LE2C & Jerzy Kopeć, Director of the Department of Ownership Supervision and Economy
  • EU calls overview and Introduction to the pitching sessions - Emmanuel Boudard, Founder of N-ABLE



  • Pitching session "1": Decarbonise Carbon Intensive Industries

1.1 RudEM / Rudolfovo: AI-based energy management (PV, batteries, generators, supercapacitors & H2)
1.2 Simplifhy SB - Compressorless HRS-  mobile and easy-to-transport unit for hydrogen refueling without a compressor
1.3 ResoH Solutions Srl: Digitally formatted made-to-scope hydrogen Solid Oxide Cells
1.4 Techinnova - H2E project: cross-sector supply chain for the production, storage and use of green hydrogen 
1.5 FASABS - Fail safe blending station - H2 fueling for industry

  • Plenary discussion - Emmanuel Boudard, N-ABLE  


  • Networking Light lunch 


  • Pitching session "2": Hydrogen On-shore and Off-shore Production and H2 use in Maritime transportation”

Demo Case Introduction Roberta Padovan Cluster MARE FVG
2.1 Valland SpA: ReActive AEMWE - Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis (HELIOS project) 
2.2 Marine Engineering Services: super insulation system for LH2 storage system
2.3 Navalprogetti - ADRIAH2HUB - H2 refuelling for ships.

  • Plenary discussion - Emmanuel Boudard, N-ABLE   



  • B2B & Matchmaking – scoping "x" projects:

Carbon Intensive Industries & Maritime transportation and/or H2 Production. Role of SMEs, type of production, related applications, innovation
Emmanuel Boudard, N-ABLE   

15.45-16.00 Conclusion and next steps

  • Stefano Valentini, Art-ER 
  • Fabrizio Guarrasi, Innovation Manager at Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster – LE2C



  • Idrogeno
  • Evento on-site & live streaming